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Vacation Care

EBASCC offers vacation care for children in kindy to year 6. Vacation care is offered in all recognised NSW school holidays, including pupil free days. 

The vacation care program is an exciting opportunity for children to develop new friendships and try new experiences in a supportive environment. Vacation care is open Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 6:15pm. EBASCC provides a stimulating and educational program while recognising the need for children to engage in stimulating and fun experiences during their holidays. 



EBASCC yellow t-shirts on EXCURSION ONLY:

Yellow t-shirts with EBASCC logo need to purchased from EBASCC before or on the day of the excursion for $`0. Once purchased, the yellow t-shirt is yours to keep and wear at all following excursion days. If you forget to bring the yellow t-shirt, a new t-shirt needs to be purchased. Children cannot join the excursion without a EBASCC yellow t-shirt.


Vacation Care Programs and bookings are available online Friday Week 6 of School Term, email will be sent as a reminder to all families. 


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