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At EBASCC we use Qikkids, an online database that integrates the needs of the centre and parents in one centralised place.
To enrol your child at EBASCC you need to complete the process online at My Family Lounge QIkKids for desktop only currently the mobile app doesn't support the enrolment process.
For existing families you can Sign In directly from below, for new families, please click on Register.
Waiting list
For new parents, please follow these steps to ensure your child(s) gets placed onto the waiting list. Please sure to use a desktop PC or a MAC to submit a wait list.
Complete your Enrolment form (parents details & child(s) details)
Fill out the Direct Debit Form after everything has been complete
Once you have complete steps 1 & 2 click on "New Request"
From there you are able to select if you're after Before School Care and/or Afterschool Care and the days you require
You will receive a confirmation e-mail via Qikkids saying your child has been placed on the waitlist
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us.