CALL: 0478 739 977

EBASCC has been awarded Exceeding National Standards for school-aged care in 2015 by the NSW Education and Communities Office of Education.
EBASCC is a play-based centre and all learning is achieved through play-centred activities. The program caters for the diversity of ages, interests and developmental stages of our children, Structured activities are diverse in nature every afternoon. Spontaneous activities are also set up in the afternoon sessions depending on the specific interests of the children on that specific day and allow children to develop autonomy in guiding their own play.
Our weekly menus are planned for breakfast and afternoon tea. Our menus are guided by the Staying Healthy: Healthy Eating Guide for School-Aged Care 5th Edition. The menus are planned to cater for all dietary needs of our children. Evaluations are completed each week for every meal to create menus that are enjoyable and nutritious. Late afternoon tea is also provided every afternoon at 5:30pm. You can view the menu on the EBASCC notice board. We always welcome suggestions from the children and parents.