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EBASCC is managed by a parent-run committee. This means that parents are the decision-makers for all aspects of EBASCC and can foster the environment that suits our children. We are always welcome to parents becoming involved in the parent committee. Parent committee meetings are held twice a term on Tuesdays at EBASCC. An invitation to the meeting is sent out to all EBASCC parents via email a week before. Light dinner is provided and children are welcome.
If you wish to contact the Parent Management Committee, please email president@ebascc.org
The Parent Management Committee must adhere to the guidelines required for out of school hours care by the following:
The National Standards of Out of School Hours Care
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)
Family and Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FACSIA)
NSW Community Services (formerly DOCS)
The Family Assistance Office (FAO)
Workcover - Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S)
The Centre Coordinator and Educators are responsible for the day-to-day running of the centre. We are available anytime during the morning or afternoon session to talk about any of your worries or issues.
The purpose of this letter is to give you some information about our “Out of School Hours (OOSH)” centre here at Eastwood Public School.
Eastwood Before and After School Care Centre (EBASCC) is a parent run not-for-profit centre. Each of the families who come to the centre, become members of the parent organisation that runs the centre.
If you come along to the monthly management committee meetings, you can participate in making decisions about the centre.
The parent committee employ some wonderful staff: both permanent and casual staff, fulltime and part-time. They do a wonderful job, and care for our children, developing programs - making sure that the centre is a safe, caring and stimulating place for our children. We also employ a bookkeeper to do the day to day financial work, and assist with contract matters. Our staff do the heavy lifting in terms of running the centre.
But you, parents and guardians, have an important role to play too. The parent committee has oversight of the centre. We need to set directions, set budgets, approve spending, hire staff, deal with any complaints and generally oversee that the centre is operating in the appropriate way.
Figure 1 - Organisation structure for EBASCC
When your child starts at EBASCC, you become a member of this organisation. Please consider coming along to the parent meetings and take an active interest and role in the decisions regarding the centre and its care of the children.
The parent committee is always in need of interested, concerned parents to become actively involved in overseeing and setting the direction of the centre. Each year at the Annual General Meeting, members are nominated to take positions on the committee for the year.
The benefit of a parent run centre is that we can be involved in overseeing the centre. Also, the fees are significantly lower than a commercially run business would be charging. The bottom line is that if our centre does not have enough interested members to form a committee, then we may have to cease operations. I am sure a commercial venture would take over our centre, but we would lose these benefits. I am sure that this financial consequence is not the only reason you may want to get involved, but it is a factor worth considering.
We need members committed to the objectives of the centre to continue to provide a high quality service for our children.
Please see below for the objectives as stated in our constitution and a description of the office bearing roles. In addition, we always seek to have willing general members on our committee to come along and participate in the meetings.
I hope this letter has helped you understand how EBASCC works. We are looking forward to welcoming new members to our committee meetings.
The parent management committee for EBASCC.
to provide before and after school care for primary school aged children (approximately 4.5 to 13 years) giving priority to those attending Eastwood Public School first, then others living in the Eastwood and surrounding areas.
to provide the children with activities of a varied and stimulating nature in out of school hours.
The Centre at its annual general meeting shall elect a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary. These officers shall retire at the end of one year or until the day of the next Annual Meeting. These officers may, however, be reappointed.
The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings. In his/her absence the Deputy Chairperson shall act. Chairperson is chiefly responsible for public contact. Deputy Chairperson to issue notices of meeting and assist the Secretary with correspondence.
The Secretary shall attend meetings and be responsible for ensuring that a record of all business conducted is maintained; shall conduct all correspondence; shall hand over all records, minutes, etc. to his/her successor on relinquishing office.
The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all moneys received. The Treasurer shall present at all general meetings a statement of accounts showing receipts and expenditure during the current month.
Public Officer
The Public Officer for matters relating to the Office of Fair Trading.
Parent Management Committee