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EBASCC Philosophy
Our Centre philosophy:
An inclusive and holistic approach:
EBASCC overall rating is MEETING for National Quality Standards for Before and After School Care and Vacation Care Service, for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.
We provide an ACCREDITED Before, After School and Vacation Care service for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. We are committed to the principles, practice and outcomes of the National Quality Framework for School Age Care (‘My Time, Our Place’)
The Centre provides a developmentally appropriate program which presents self-selection, structured and unstructured choice and interaction for all children. The program is evaluated weekly to ensure all children’s needs are met and that the program is ever evolving and engaging for each child.
At EBASCC, educators are continuously assessing children against the learning outcomes and extending children’s learning through planned activities, experiences and spontaneous play which is designed to meet the learning outcomes of My Time, Our Place.
The Centre provides a safe, healthy and encouraging environment that is structured around equity for all children. The Centre provides a wide range of activities catering to the diversity of all children. The children are provided with adequate space indoors and outdoors and supplied with equipment for all children to engage with to a variety of skills at all developmental ages.
The Management Committee helps to ensure a professional educators team with common goals, positive attitudes and positive interactions with all children, staff and families. Staff and Management encourage and offer support to provide the best possible interactions, encouragement and support in all aspects of the Centre.
The Centre strives for a level of excellence in child care with each child’s needs at the core of its philosophy.
For more information please visit:
National Quality Framework (NQS)